Sponsor Benefits

Take the next step to become a 2023 NAVRMA sponsor.

Free, full conference registrations 2521
Discounted conference registrations 3521
Free membership in NAVRMA
Access to attendee list 4
Logo with company description in NAVRMA conference guide, including link to website250 words100 words50 words
Logo with link to website on Sponsor page on NAVRMA website
Advertisement in NAVRMA conference guidefull page1/2 page1/4 page
Partner Paviliontwo 6′ tables6′ table6′ table
Printed materials for attendees
Name, logo, and link in all outbound emails 
Logo on conference signage 
Logo on conference giveaways 
Sponsorship of a scientific session 
15-minute speaking slot during a networking break 
Banner in Partner Pavilion 5  
Animated or static banner on NAVRMA home page  
One special email to NAVRMA list from sponsor  
Videos hosted on NAVRMA website (up to 3)  

1 Sponsor benefits subject to change.
2 Includes conference events, meals, and receptions.
3 Discounted price is $250 per person for sponsors.
4 Attendee list (name, email, company) provided five business days prior to conference start. Final attendee list provided within two business days following conference.
5 Partner must provide banner. Details forthcoming.

Next Steps

Download a PDF version with pricing. Take the next step to become a 2023 NAVRMA sponsor.